Jun 29, 2021
On this episode we hear from SAR Past President Paula Swayne
with an update on changes featured on the new C.A.R. Residential
Purchase Agreement (RPA). Make sure you're up to speed on these
changes so you'll be ready once the new RPA is rolled out!
Paula Swayne
Dunnigan, REALTORS
Mobile: 916-425-9715
Links Mentioned in the podcast:
C.A.R. RPA Info:
SAR Website: www.sacrealtor.org
Education Resource Page: https://education.sacrealtor.org/
SAR Realty Supply Center: https://realtysupplycenter.com/
Welcome to the Show by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4614-welcome-to-the-show
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
All speakers in this podcast do not speak on behalf
of the Sacramento Association of REALTORS nor do they represent the
Sacramento Association of REALTORS. All presenters are speaking on
behalf of their own profession.